Thursday, May 29, 2014

Minecraft Animating

Many people have been asking me about Minecraft Animations. So here is a few questions with answers. I hope it will help!

What Animation software do I use?
 -Well i use Blender, it is a great tool for detailed Animations and the best part is that it is a 100% free.

How long does it take to animate an image or a 5 minute long video?
 -Well it really depends on how detailed you want you animation, you could make a sloppy not that great quality image in about 20 minutes, but if you want to make a better one with details and good quality it could take up to 1 month for just a 5 minute video.

Is it easy to animate Minecraft images?
 -If you are new to blender it can be fairly hard to start animating big things, but if you use it in a few months it will probably be an easy thing to make for example an item or a block. Minecraft is a really great thing to start animating because most things in Minecraft are squared which makes it easier to make.

I hope this helped you!

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